Stackpath WAF SSL SNI Patch

First SNI SSL User on Stackpath

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Stackpath WAF SSL SNI Patch Screenshot
Nov 02, 2016 | XEO

Got our api key for Stackpath and configured the origin and connected the HTTPS bridge and kept getting failures. The technical team at Stackpath dug into the issue and discovered an issue supporting SNI SSL certs. After pushing that fix to all their servers, the problem was solved. It feels nice to be part of the solution to help another company improve their technology. Part of being on the bleeding edge. About Stackpath - Stackpath is a new company formed by merging MaxCDN and a few other security focused companies together. They offer an amazing Web Application Firewall (WAF) with solutions for zero day exploits all for about $20/mo. We are recommending it for our clients. However we are still bundling it with our CloudFlare configuration for DNS management.